The Thursday Night Book Club

Can't wait till next month to discuss the book? Don't worry check out this months book questions...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My thoughts on April's meeting~

“ I wonder how the book got to Guernsey? Perhaps there is some sort of secret homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.”

After reading this months book "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows, I couldn't agree with this quote from the book more. I feel that as people there are certain books we are meant to read and I think our particular group for the most part was meant to read and discuss this work of fiction.

Knowing that this months book was less fluff than last months I decided to take this opportunity to be fun and quirky with this months theme and activities. Going off of the April Showers notion I decided that this month should be all about rain boots, clouds, and umbrellas, and everything from the activities right down to the decorations was about just those very things. My favorite part was the traveling rain boot competition and I am so glad that everyone participated. Our rain boots showed up in such places as a bath tub with its friend "rubber ducky" hanging out among yarn covered books, with boots of another color, amidst an algebraic equation, traveling down a snow covered mountain and in the place where love put down roots and blossomed. After hearing why each place was selected, our group determined that Mrs. Beth Page had the best traveling rain boot and she was therefore awarded the glorious prize bag which included all things yummy for a rain day.

After the fun festivities subsided it was time to move onto more serious discussion and our brown bag book reports. I was amazed at how creative all you ladies were at finding items to describe your favorite characters, scenes and something that truly saddened you. I especially loved that Anna actually took the time to bag up rubble from her driveway and found it a personal honor that she felt our friendship strong enough to leave her rubble baggie in my keeping. I believe her exact words were "nothing says friendship like rubble from my driveway" Anna I love ya!!

This months discussion was great and it was very interesting to hear very differing opinions on many of the books topics. We for the most part did all agree that we were truly invested in the lives of the characters. We felt connected to these souls and could see ourselves sitting at their tables discussing how their lives were forever changed after the war and the scar that it left on them all.

After the discussion it was time to pass out my very cute flower pot invitations for next month and explain the activities for May. I am very excited to see every one's growing herbs and the aprons and high heels that I'm sure will make Stepford Wives everywhere proud.

So with that I will leave you for now. I say good luck on your green thumbs and enjoy the laughter that I'm sure Sophie Kinsella has made allowance for with her tale of "The Undomestic Goddess"

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