The Thursday Night Book Club

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Monday, June 4, 2012

May's Meeting Re-cap

“Great. Just great. One glimpse of his body and I have a full-blown crush. I honestly thought I was a bit deeper than that.”

 Our latest book “The Undomestic Goddess” by Sophia Kinsella was full of funny quotes and humorous moments, the above quote is one of my favorites, possible because I find that I can totally relate!! As a group we concluded that although the story seemed very farfetched it was still a fun quirky read that led to a very entertaining discussion.

Playing to the books strengths, I decided to make this month’s theme “Welcome to Stepford” fun and quirky as well. I felt that the idea of becoming the perfect woman played nicely into the changes that Samantha went through after becoming a housekeeper, and what else would the perfect housewives/housekeeper do besides plant herbs and look fabulous doing it lol!! Although our Green Thumb competition was only moderately successful it was still quite fun. Congratulations and prizes were awarded to Anna for the best looking plant. We have however decided that she cheated so a full investigation is being conducted by the Thursday Night Book Club board of legal advisors and if she is found guilty she will have to forever give up all bragging rights!! Just kidding Anna I’m just bitter lol, your plant was very impressive. Equally impressive was Alissa’s flowering paper plant.  

To add even more entertainment I decided that everyone should look the part of the perfect wife. There were diamonds and pearls, heels and espadrilles and aprons galore. Beth played the part beautifully and therefore became the recipient of my other awesome prize.

This month’s theme and book were in no way serious but just good old fashion fun. We laughed; we smiled and had a great time. We didn’t all agree that the book was great but one thing is for sure, I think we have all decided to plant raspberry bushes!!!

As always once the discussion subsided it was time to unveil the invitations and book for the next meeting. I’m not sure everyone was excited by their homework or culinary assignment but I’m hoping everyone will to have fun with it. So for now I say happy reading and good luck with your clue investigation!

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